Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 2

After almost minimizing our lights, well electricity, in the apartment the night before i figure its best to read before plugging in straighteners =] Stayed up way too late the night before but today is my tour of the city provided by our professor Candid Rogers. I am overwhelmed with all there is to see!!! its TOO MUCH. We strolled around town, met the studio professor, and then decided to eat at this beautiful Mercado with small restaurants squished in between! I got familiar with the streets, necessities, and with the students i was found in good company.

Today, more than ever, i realized how truly spoiled America is! We are so used to having things at arms reach, pick up a phone, press of a button and whatever you want you have. NOT HERE! everything is miniature, polly pockets sized washing machine that fits one pair of pants, zero dryers, zero printers, not enough outlets, COLD always- the sun rises after 830 and is down by 5, smallest sidewalks and streets. Everything is so tight and compact that the cars become minature and more than often people are walking, biking, or bicycling. I admire the sense of independance on everyones face. They make being cold fashionable. And for petes sake the food portions are correctly sized, so much so that i haven't seen a overweight preson yet! I get to hump it up a huge hill everyday and sometimes i walk backwards!

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