Friday, January 16, 2009

Take Flight

Around 9:45am my wings take flight accent-
uated by the beautiful Bright Eyes: Oh Holy Fools (Courtesy of a Stocky man) playing in my hotpink ipod (Courtesy of Nikki and My Design Studio). The ride was definitely more exciting than i expected, much like a ride at an amusement park. It started out kinda boring then increased with extreme, enjoyable speed, but without my window seat i would have been terribly sad. Next up on the tunes, clearly appropriate, would be influenced by none other then Daddio: Big Sky Country! After
más shifting, transferring, confusion, delays in the Big Apple (or the opposite of Pace Picante Sauce Dad), luggage pick-up, money exchanges, i finally experienced my first taxi cab ride. Wasn't any different then mom luggin me and my friends around when i was a kid, except this time i had to pay for it (with money instead of chores). Arrived to my very first apartment in life...set up shop. I had my first Spanish meal for lunch consisting of: Fidua with tastey sauce called Aioli, then meat balls in this amazing soup/stew stuff, and finally finished up the meal with Flan as my dessert. YUM!!! Fantastic Wine! All and all a good experience!
Itching to escape and go wander i plugged in the good ole ipod and discovered Barcelona; finding i have a pretty darn good sense of
dirección after all mom! Super Super cold my first sleep due to the very great fact that all i had was a sheet! =] Today was a first of many's and i cant wait for many more to come! Muy Muy excitado!

"..watched a flower as it was withering away, i was embarrassed by its honesty."

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