Saturday, January 24, 2009

How about unabashedly bawling your eyes out

Today is Saturday- 428 pm....recapping my week is a blur of school and a bit of sadness. Totally lost on what to do for this site analysis project, its a bit difficult when you have no clue where things are, the teacher is having trouble clearly expressing what it is he desires, and everything is in spanish, but i am managing. Received my first letter from mom, pop, and sis. As soon as i opened that thing all i remember was the smell of something fresh (fabric softener-dork mom) and seeing BoBo's paw print...after that were blurred images and scribble due to the pouring of tears....=] it was a good letter, but at the same time i was kinda having a shity week and it just added to the emotionality of it all. My computer decided to tell me it needed to be recovered, rebooted..whatever...ok cuz im really computer literate...i just freaked, nowhere in my budget does it say...brand new laptop! But thankfully after trial and error it miraculously came back to life. Its ALIVE!!! The week carried on...and yesterday was one of the most beautiful...i often realize the best times are when im alone?? I misplaced the pack of people i was with, so i decided to splurge a bit on myself and acquired some Spain clothing items =]. The day just felt so freakin amazing (perfect weather) so i just sorta wandered around, observing, learning, assuming, realizing...amused none the less.

thank you...streets
thank you....timing
thank you...opportunity
thank you.....chivalry
thank you.....hope
thank you....courage
thank you....rhythm
thank you....breeze
thank you....

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