Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Saturday i got to visit a Barcelona club, MOMA, with mi amigos and visit the Barcelona toilet several times in the night! OOPS!!! But it was so fun and im so excited that everyone is so friendly and outgoing! The following day I dragged my sad hung over ass to the library to begin my fun school confusing and frustrating but im super excited for the semester after listening to the professor and what he has to offer.
Sunday night was low key but i learned some fun drinking games: Fresitas and Capitan Bluff. (Compliments of Dianna and Marissa)
Monday night i decided to do my part for my roomies and those that cooked dinner for me before. I cooked spaghetti, homemade meatballs, and salad. Everyone was so pleased and i was so happy to provide for all. Afterward i talked everyone into a couple rounds of SCENE IT, thats right baby! I lost, what a crock! Finally with the help of new amiga Bailey i learned how to wash my clothes cuz im kinda running out! Afterwards i was comsumed by more school work, BOOOOOOOOOOO!
Tuesday i enjoyed some really amazing pizza and became a trash digger, snagged a shelf for my bathroom, extreme lack of table space en la bano!

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